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惠普女总裁Carly Fiorina谈美国经济
发布时间:2010/9/12  阅读次数:2213  字体大小: 【】 【】【

[名人访谈] 原惠普女总裁Carly Fiorina谈美国经济

As we pull backand look at the broader economy, we compiled somestatistics that we think are revealing.

Look at the economy compare to a year ago. You look at the Dow, down 35%. It was about over 13,000 now. It's at 8,630. Umemployment is up 2 full percentage points, 43% increased. That's two million jobs that have been lost in the year. Home Foreclosures up 28%. This is how the Associated Press reported on the employment picture this week. Employment shrank in virtually every part of the economy-factories, construction companies, financial firms accounting, retailers. The Unites States-already in recession for a year, may not be out of it until the spring of 2010-making for the longest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, economists are now saying.

foreclosure: the process by which mortgaged property enters into the possession of the mortgagee without right of redemption by the mortgagor, usually for reason of delinquency in mortgage payments. 丧失抵押品赎回权, 通俗地说就是金融公司宣布收回房产
make for: to help promote 走向,驶向;有助于

Well, this also struck me, Fiorina. During the Depression 1973, it was 25% unemployment. That was about 11 million workers. It's 6.7 percent umemployment we are already talking about, 10.3 million workers, because the workforce is so much bigger now. Are we actually headed for depression?

I don't think so. But I think all of those statistics are an important reminder. While we have been focused in Washington on big companies-the Detroit automakers and big unions. The truth is that we are not as concerned, and we should be, about the hundreds 㠔ᒼ嬈脍䚡㆟룣㲴http://bulo.hjenglish.com/goal.htm©版权所有沪江网㲴룣㆟䚡脍嬈ᒼ㠔and thousands of small businesses who actually create two-thirds of the jobs in this country, which brings me all the way back to the original problem.

reminder: something that recalls the past 提醒者[物], 令人回忆的东西

We have a recession, a deepening recession right now. Because credit is unavailable. Credit is unavailable to small businesses, so they can't hire. When hundreds of small businesses can't hire ten and fifteen people, over time, that creates big unemployment numbers. They may not have big unions to represent their interests in Washington. They are the little guy. But the little guy matters. When credit isn't available, consumers don't have the money they need to spend.

So I think we have to go back to the root of this problem, ultimately, which is credit is still unavailable. And that is, despite massive bailouts of big financial institutions, who are still not lending? And I think we also have to remember in this debate about the automakers.

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