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发布时间:2014/1/8  阅读次数:6775  字体大小: 【】 【】【


     据悉,世界和平奖是由世界和平奖评选委员会在美国国会众议院举行的颁奖仪式,2010年度获得世界和平奖的获得者是第三世多杰羌佛、前众议院外交委员会主席本杰明- 吉尔曼,同时和平巡回大使奖授予美国民用航空巡逻搜救组织。国际上许多电视台报道了这次颁奖盛况。第三世多杰羌佛荣获世界和平奖,在世界最权威的报纸《世界日报》、中国大陆最权威的报纸《人民日报》、台湾地区最权威的报纸《台湾日报》等报纸进行了专版报道。     

We who are engaged in the arduous task of promoting peace in a world wracked by war are loathe to give even a moment to respond to the baseless claims of The Phoenix Weekly and the likes about the Word Peace Prize and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. However, for anyone who is remotely interested, we refer you to the recognition of support for World Peace Prize by the U.S. Congress in the Resolution introduced by the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Robert Menendez:  
Whereas the World Peace Prize is a prestigious award presented by the World Peace Corps Mission that celebrates individuals who have contributed tremendously to peace and enlightenment for humanity;  
Whereas past recipients of the World Peace Prize include President Ronald Reagan of the United States, President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia, and President Nakamura of Palau;  
Whereas in 2010, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council recognized His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III for his devotion to an immensely wide scope of humanitarian activities directed at individuals from different communities throughout the world;  
Resolved, That the Senate (1) commends the World Peace Corps Mission for advancing peace, justice, and inter-religious collaborations; and (2) celebrates the World Peace Award and the recipients of the World Peace Award.  
We do not idly choose the recipients of our Peace Prizes. It was after due diligence that H.H. Dorje Change Buddha III was selected to receive our 2010 award for his outstanding humanitarian efforts and the international community who enthusiastically applauded our choice. We too are aware of the continuing efforts of defamation directed at His Holiness in attempting to undermine his worldwide acclaim as a spiritual leader. The Phoenix Weekly story and the likes are just examples of destructive campaign being waged against him and the work of those who seek to bring a lasting peace to a tumultuous world.  
We who are engaged in the arduous task of promoting peace in a world wracked by war are loathe to give even a moment to respond to the baseless claims of The Phoenix Weekly and the likes about the Word Peace Prize and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. However, for anyone who is remotely interested, we refer you to the recognition of support for World Peace Prize by the U.S. Congress in the Resolution introduced by the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Robert Menendez:  
Whereas the World Peace Prize is a prestigious award presented by the World Peace Corps Mission that celebrates individuals who have contributed tremendously to peace and enlightenment for humanity;  
Whereas past recipients of the World Peace Prize include President Ronald Reagan of the United States, President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia, and President Nakamura of Palau;  
Whereas in 2010, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council recognized His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III for his devotion to an immensely wide scope of humanitarian activities directed at individuals from different communities throughout the world;  
Resolved, That the Senate (1) commends the World Peace Corps Mission for advancing peace, justice, and inter-religious collaborations; and (2) celebrates the World Peace Award and the recipients of the World Peace Award.  
We do not idly choose the recipients of our Peace Prizes. It was after due diligence that H.H. Dorje Change Buddha III was selected to receive our 2010 award for his outstanding humanitarian efforts and the international community who enthusiastically applauded our choice. We too are aware of the continuing efforts of defamation directed at His Holiness in attempting to undermine his worldwide acclaim as a spiritual leader. The Phoenix Weekly story and the likes are just examples of destructive campaign being waged against him and the work of those who seek to bring a lasting peace to a tumultuous world!  


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